Announcement for 2020 Busan International Performing Arts Festival 'Dynamic Street'

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Announcement for 2020 Busan International Performing Arts Festival 'Dynamic Street'

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2020 何魂惫力楷必力 'Dynamic Street' 葛笼傍绊

Announcement for 2020 Busan International Performing Arts Festival 'Dynamic Street'



2020斥 力17雀甫 嘎捞窍绰 何魂惫力楷必力绰 Dynamic Street扼绰 芭府抗贱 版楷 橇肺弊伐阑 柳青窍绊 乐嚼聪促.

Busan International Performing Arts Festival, which celebrates its 17th anniversary in 2020, is proceed a competition of street arts called Dynamic Street.


惫利狼 力茄阑 滴瘤 臼绰 芭府抗贱 版楷栏肺辑 厘家 棺 屈侥俊 备局 罐瘤 臼绰 促剧茄 傍楷阑 葛笼窍绊 乐嚼聪促.

As a competition of street arts that does not limit nationality, we are recruiting various performances regardless of location and format.


促剧茄 屈侥栏肺 包按苞 家烹且 芭府抗贱 傍楷评狼 腹篮 览葛官而聪促.

We want entries of many street arts performance teams that can communicate with audience in many formats.



酒 贰 



1. 傍葛俺夸

1. Overview


  A. 傍楷扁埃 棺 厘家

  A. Performance period and location


   ⦁ 2020斥 6岿 19() ~ 21()

    -2020斥 6岿 19() : 碱纳捞胶(1)

    -2020斥 6岿 20() ~ 21() : 版楷(12雀 抗沥)

   ⦁ 19th June 2020 (Friday) to 21th (Sunday)

    -19th June 2020 (Friday) : Showcase(One-time)

    -20th June 2020 (Saturday) to 21th June (Sunday) : Contest(Scheduled two-times a day)


   ⦁ 厘家 何魂 季乓矫萍 老措

   ⦁ Location : Busan Centumcity Area

  B. 曼啊措惑 棺 傍楷炼扒

  B. Qualification and performance conditions


   ⦁ 厘家厘福屈侥俊 备局罐瘤 臼绰 葛电 累前

   ⦁ All works regardless of location, genre or format


   ⦁ 25~30盒狼 累前(悸诀 棺 枚荐 器窃)

   ⦁ 25~30 minutes(Includes setup and withdrawal)


   ⦁ 傍楷扁埃 吝 槛冠 瘤盔

   ⦁ Accommodation support during the performance period


   ⦁ 曼啊瘤盔陛 惫郴曼啊评 250父盔 秦寇曼啊评 2,500[USD]

   ⦁ Support fund : 2.5million[KRW] for Domestic participating team /

    2,500[USD] for Overseas participating team


  C. 矫惑

  C. Prize


   ⦁ 措惑 惑陛 500父盔 棺 瞒扁斥档 傍侥 檬没(抗沥)

   ⦁ Grand Prize - Prize money 5million[KRW] and Official invitation for next year(Schedule)


   ⦁ 陛惑 惑陛 300父盔 棺 瞒扁斥档 傍侥 檬没(抗沥)

   ⦁ Gold Prize - Prize money 3million[KRW] and Official invitation for next year(Schedule)


   ∝ 秦寇曼啊评捞 荐惑且 版快 荐惑评狼 磊惫 烹拳肺 惑陛 瘤鞭

   ∝ If Overseas participating team receives a prize, the prize money will be paid in the winning team's local currency.


  D. 搬苞烹焊 抗急 缴荤甫 烹窍咯 2020斥 2岿 吝 夯急 柳免累栏肺 急沥等 累前俊 茄窍 咯 俺喊烹焊

  D. Notification of results : separate notification to only those works that are selected as finalists in February 2020 through preliminary screening





2. 脚没立荐 棺 巩狼

2. Application and inquiry


  A. 立荐扁埃 : 2019斥 12岿 2(岿) ~ 2020斥 1岿 5()

  A. Application period: from 2nd December 2019 (Monday) to 5th January 2020 (Sunday)


  B. 力免辑幅 (磊蜡 屈侥)

  B. Required Documents (free form)


   ⦁ 累前家俺辑

   ⦁ Performance introduction


   ⦁ 窜眉家俺辑(胶怕橇 棺 免楷柳 器窃)

   ⦁ Company introduction(Includes staff and cast)


   ⦁ 曼啊累前狼 傈眉 悼康惑 棺 荤柳磊丰 悼康惑狼 版快 蜡捧宏 傅农 肚绰 扁鸥 楷 搬 啊瓷茄 傍蜡 敲阀汽 傅农 扁涝荤柳磊丰绰 皋老 梅何 啊瓷

   ⦁ Full length video and photo data of participating works - For videos, you can share YouTube links or other links to shared platforms, You can attach photo materials to mail


   ∝ 惫郴曼啊评狼 版快 荤诀磊殿废刘 家犁瘤 趣篮 楷绊瘤 鞘洒 扁犁

   ∝ Overseas participating team must notify about nationality of all members


   ∝ 力免等 辑幅 棺 磊丰绰 老眉 馆券登瘤 臼嚼聪促.

   ∝ All submitted documents and materials will not be returned.


  C. 力免规过 : e皋老( 立荐

  C. How to submit: e-mail (


  D. 巩狼贸

  D. Contact Information


   ⦁ 何魂惫力楷必力 荤公惫

    傈拳 : 051-802-8003/ 蒲胶 : 051-802-8033/ e-mail :

   ⦁ Busan International Performing Arts Festival office

    Tel: +82 51 802 8003/ Fax: +82 51 802 8033/ e-mail:



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