Marionette Concert

Marionette Concert

TitleMarionette Concert
Production CompanyTheatre Bomul
Time19th(Sun), 20th(Mon), 21st(Tue)
Age restriction3 rating
Running time60 min
VenueBusan Cinema Center - Rehearsal Room

Pieces of wood which fell from the giant tree that guarded the dense forest, and were finally reduced to nothing to move. But, don't worry! By saws, hammers, and chisel, the pieces of wood became a lively marionette doll. A saxophone player who plays jazz, a ballerina who puts herself in a romantic tune, and a mask man who changes his face from neighboring China! The theater that resembles the dark night sky is busy to prepare for a concert for children today. We invite you to the <Marionette Concert> dancing under starry lights!


* Please refer to the performance schedule for the detailed times and locations.

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