Production CompanyChaliwaté
Time종일 관람 가능
Age restrictionAll Rating
Running time50min
PlatformYouTube, NaverTV

There's a man who looks nervous in a crowded airport. Trying to imitate other people's relaxed behaviors, he is on the board failing to adapt. He's lost in exhilaration and confusion, on the way, the space and time are getting blurred. The more he tries to fix the problems, the more things get twisted. When he came to his senses, the arrival announcement is coming out. It's a clumsy journey without anything going smoothly, but it looks more beautiful because it's incomplete. "Jetlag," which unravels environmental changes and fatigue from long-distance flights into comical situations, invites audiences to an emotional travel, giving you a message of "It's okay not to be perfect" and a sense of relief.

Founded in 2005, Chaliwaté built their own ingenuity by studying the arts of movement and creating works. Also, Chaliwaté's works focus on expressions and emotions, not simply showing physical ability. Produced in collaboration with Loic Faure in 2015, JETLAG conveys the actors' feelings through dance, circus, and gestural theatre, and presents the character's tragedy in a comical situation. JETLAG has been loved for more than 200 times in France and around the world.

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