CountryUnited States
Production CompanyGeoff Sobelle
Time종일 관람 가능
Age restrictionAll Rating
Running time90min
PlatformYouTube, NaverTV

"Home" is a large-scale performance that explores the relationship between "House" in the physical sense and "Home" in the emotional sense. Through fantastic illusion, live music, and inventive interaction, the audience is invited to the theatre to begin with the question "Where is home?" and unravel on stage a reflection on the meaning of the home with the question "If it is not a place, what is home?" Perhaps the time and people flowing in the house, which is a simple space of our lives, are recorded calmly but ingeniously, giving a fresh impression.

Geoff Sobelle, a director and actor of HOME, has been named the Total Theatre Award, Edinburgh Fringe First Award, and NYTimes Critics Pick for his creative work, and is called the Illusionist on stage. Produced mainly by Geoff Sobelle, "HOME" shows the perfect harmony of concept, production, music and visual storytelling, making a house a home in various ways. Thanks to his magic-like work, HOME premiered at the 2017 Fringe Festival, and is performing to meet audiences from all over the world.

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