Production CompanyAnalog
Time종일 관람 가능
Age restrictionAll Rating
Running time80min
PlatformYouTube, NaverTV

Beautiful production and their talents combine to give off uncontrolled and powerful energy. It seems to be heading for the finale of the performance, but it is only one of the means to lead to the next. The performance culminates with confetti, fog, and pulsating lights flying on the stage. The sound of the concert hall, the bold acrobatics, and the harmony of traditional circus are enough to make the audience part of the performance. Immersive from the beginning to the end of the show, FINALE invites the audience to a frenzied night.

Founded in 2013, the theatre company Analog is truly approaching the audience with the aim of eliminating the show's tricks. They communicate directly with the audience, breaking the boundaries between the audience and the performer. In addition, their unique performance and music presented impressive performances in perfect harmony. Many audiences are cheering for their unconventional performance.

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