MANU or The Illusion of Time

MANU or The Illusion of Time

TitleMANU or The Illusion of Time
Production CompanyCasa del Silencio
Age restrictionall rating
Running time60min (no intermission)
VenueHaeundae Cultural Center Haeun Hall
GenrePhysical theater

12th Jun (Mon) ~ 13th Jun (Tue) 2023 

12th Jun (Mon), 13th Jun (Tue) 19:30

Manu, a soldier wasted through years of battles ends war today. A man like him, too sensitive to withstand the nightmare that is combat, should have never participated in the war. He fell down as many times as he stood back up. His only special wish is to go back home and find Magnolia, the woman who awaits him. It's the beginning of a new road. His memory does not give him the privilege of remembering the way back. There is not much else left to do, but to keep his chin up, focus and go forward. The intricate journey introduces him to a world of illusion where truth and fiction merge. Is he remembering, or is it just his imagination? Manu is not concerned about defining the borders anymore. So many years fearing them, and now all he wants to do is to advance.

Founded in Colombia in 1997, Casa del Silencio is a research organization that supports the research, creation, and training of physical theater. Since its establishment, it has collaborated artistically with artists and performers from various parts of the world who have contributed to the research and creation of various approaches to performance, visual content production, and body-based play development In addition, LEGESTE, a permanent research institute for physical theater training, is developing and contributing to the revitalization of performing arts.

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